Quote Originally Posted by XJ Casper View Post
Just wish my hit and run was that simple. My whole door skin is dented in because of some negligent a..hole.
Yeah, that's not cool. One day, my car was in the garage, and I was pulling out the mower. I thought that I had enough room on one side. I thought wrong. I ended up scrapping the mower handle along my rear driver side door, which left this indent in the door. Oh well, s**t happens. Plus, on the bright side, it's not really that noticeable in most lighting situations & angles. Besides, I think you'd have to be superly anal to find it quickly if I don't point out the general area to you.

But it's worse when someone else screws up your car and can't man up to it. It doesn't matter what kind of damage was done. That crap is irritating.