Okay, so I'm at it again, shopping through my old contacts and looking for new companies to make products for us Aveo/Kalos owners.

So here's another one I thought I'd mention is in the works...Custom Guage Faces!


These guys at Black Cat Custom have been doing this for some time, making totally custom looking guage faces for an assortment of cars.; They never approached the Aveo because no one ever asked them for it...So let's ask.

I'm working on getting a guage cluster for the 2004 LS Manual for them, same as my car. I'm not sure, but I think the SVM and Automatic cars may have different clusters. So I'm asking your help...Could those of you with a 2004-2006 sedan (2004-2007 hatch) Auto or SVM please take a good clean picture pf your gauge face? I need very clean pictures so I can look close to see if there are any differences.