My wife bought a 2003 "Chevy" 5-door sedan. Everything on it, and the paperwork, states the model is "Chevy." However, I can't find that classification anywhere. It looks like an Aveo but I'm not sure. Anyone have a clue for me?

The reason I'm jumping into this is a problem has surfaces of engine dying. Indicators lead one to believe it's an ECM map that's corrupted but no way to verify that as there are NO FACTORY WRENCHES in Mexico! They've just about changed every part connected to "fuel,ignition" but they haven't hit paydirt yet.

My biggest problem seems to be identifying the model of the car. The model name on the raised relief simply says "Chevy," as does the Operator's Manual. Yet, Chevrolet shows NO listing of a "Chevy."

Thanks for any help,
