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    Thread: Snail's pace acceleration, rough idle. Codes: P030,P2135, and P0107

    1. #1
      Vic is offline
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      Snail's pace acceleration, rough idle. Codes: P030,P2135, and P0107

      Hi everyone. I have a 2009 Chevy Aveo LS which I got used in October 2013. Last winter the check engine light came on and it was accelerating very slowly and would max out at about 40-45mph. I had a guy at Auto-Zone check the codes and it came back with a P2135. He said sometimes the car needs to acclimate to the cold weather. So I gave it a few days. I found if I turned off the key for a few minutes after the check engine light came on it would start up and run fine. Then when the weather warmed in the spring it gave me no trouble and the issue stopped.

      Last month it started the usual routine from the previous winter: Slow acceleration - rest a few - drives fine. Then this morning at a stoplight the idling got really rough and the check engine light started blinking. Took it to O'reilley's had them check the codes and it came back with the usual P2135 plus P0303 and P0107. Is this just a sensor issue? Do I need to replace the throttle position sensor and MAP sensor or is this a really major and perhaps expensive issue?

    2. #2
      Administrator Daox's Avatar
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      Welcome to the site Vic. Sorry to hear you're having issues.

      The P2135 seems to be a code for the throttle body. The cure? A new throttle body.


      I'd start with fixing that code and see if the others disappear after fixing it.

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    4. #3
      Almost time to do my timing belt xintersecty's Avatar
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      P2135 Chevrolet Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch 'A'/'B' Voltage Correlation OBDII Engine Light Trouble Code | Engine-Codes.com

      P0303 Chevrolet Cylinder 3 Misfire Detected OBDII Engine Light Trouble Code | Engine-Codes.com

      P0107 Chevrolet Manifold Absolute Pressure/Barometric Pressure Circuit Low Input OBDII Engine Light Trouble Code | Engine-Codes.com

      After reading the three codes, I think you might have a vacuum leak combined with dirty stuff. So plastic/rubber/metal does not fit as well until it is warmed up. So you might have something marginal until it warmed up and gave you a better fit. So check your vacuum lines and your intake. The cylinder miss-fire you might want to check your spark plug wires
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    6. #4
      Vic is offline
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      Ugh. I'd really hate to replace the whole throttle body but If I have to. Thanks for the reply.
      Last edited by Vic; 12-17-2014 at 08:56 PM. Reason: spelling

    7. #5
      Vic is offline
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      Quote Originally Posted by xintersecty View Post
      P2135 Chevrolet Throttle/Pedal Position Sensor/Switch 'A'/'B' Voltage Correlation OBDII Engine Light Trouble Code | Engine-Codes.com

      P0303 Chevrolet Cylinder 3 Misfire Detected OBDII Engine Light Trouble Code | Engine-Codes.com

      P0107 Chevrolet Manifold Absolute Pressure/Barometric Pressure Circuit Low Input OBDII Engine Light Trouble Code | Engine-Codes.com

      After reading the three codes, I think you might have a vacuum leak combined with dirty stuff. So plastic/rubber/metal does not fit as well until it is warmed up. So you might have something marginal until it warmed up and gave you a better fit. So check your vacuum lines and your intake. The cylinder miss-fire you might want to check your spark plug wires
      Thanks. I haven't been able to find any diagrams online. What are the positions of the TPS and MAP sensor? There is a wiring harness on top of the intake that appears to have had electrical tape applied by the previous owner. Could there be a short or something in this wiring causing the problem?

    8. #6
      Almost time to do my timing belt xintersecty's Avatar
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      Quote Originally Posted by Vic View Post
      Thanks. I haven't been able to find any diagrams online. What are the positions of the TPS and MAP sensor? There is a wiring harness on top of the intake that appears to have had electrical tape applied by the previous owner. Could there be a short or something in this wiring causing the problem?
      I would pull that crap apart to make sure whats there is not shorting. That would cause P2135 code.

      This might help
      Name:  2009-10-24_020851_TPS.jpg
Views: 6112
Size:  19.1 KB
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    9. #7
      Aveo Whisperer 06T200's Avatar
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      +1 any wiring 'repair' jobs should be a red flag, sort out the wiring before blowing money on sensors or TB, as you would hate to find out after new parts it was a flakey splice/broken wire. Might just be a cheap fix if something was damaged and not repaired well.

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