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    Thread: torque/power band questions

    1. #1
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      torque/power band questions

      can anyone inform me on how mechanics engineer an engine to have a power/torque band at curtain rpm's? i was hearing that by adjusting the bore and stroke you can change when the torque/power bands occur. or that there might be other factors effecting the numbers. if ne one has an answer...or a link to something that'll help me out it will be mighty appreciated.

    2. #2
      Almost time to do my timing belt
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      compression ratio too

    3. #3
      Still love my daily driver
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      Easiest way to adjust your peak power points would be to adjust the cam and ignition timing, along with the fuel curve.

      the below is all speculative (for the most part). I'm not an automotive engineer, and this is all based on my limited understanding of a gasoline engine

      Reducing the bore (impossible/impractical) I think, would simply cause the engine to be less powerful throughout the rpm range.

      Increasing bore, thus increasing displacement, would cause it to be more powerful throughout the rpm range (mostly in the lower region, unless you put bigger injectors in and remap the fuel curve), though will increase heat, and increase the chance of knocking at higher rpm.

      A shorter stroke (changing rods?) would cause the engine to rev faster, I think, but decrease the compression ratio, thus robbing you of power. This might be ideal, though, for huge amounts of boost. quick reving means fast spooling. You'd need some way to keep the fuel and ignition in check, though.

      A longer stroke would involve drastic changes to the cylinder head, not sure if it would even be possible, or practical, regardless of how much money you have to spend.

      Horsepower is how fast you hit the wall. Torque is how far the wall moves after you hit it.

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