Hello i have a 2004 chevy aveo. the water pump went out a few days ago and i just put a new one in on monday 3/19/2012. when i isntalled it i got everything lined up and the timing belt put back on but i forgot to put the outer belt covers on because i wanted to see if the car would start and if it was in time. Well the car started and ran rough for about 1 minute..then threw the belt and as soon as the belt came off i turned the car off. What I am wanting to know is. What are the chances the Valves got bent and what are the "signatures" of bent valves in a motor? I have also realigned everything during these past 2 days and when i put the stuff back together and try to start the car it runs for about 30 seconds...then acts like it is not getting fuel and just cranks...over and over what could that be? thanks