Is this impossible or not? I want to start a co-op Aveo5 body kit group. Nothing really big. Only for one model of car. But, it could be fun and cheap since you would be helping to make your own parts!

I want to make an body kit for the AVEO5 up to 2008. A few of us get together over coffee and design the look. After a couple of weeks of refinement to the illustrations we end up with a basic kit design. We can detail a couple of variations in the kit so we can have the option of modifying the parts to suit as we manufacture them. For each of the parts, we will make a form or buck. Test parts to refine the molds.

Since I have no experience in making fiberglass parts one of the guys has to have professional experience. Unless, we find it not too terribly difficult.

If you want one of the kits for your car, you would come to my garage and along with a couple of guys and myself we all hand make the parts for your car together as a group. Then we prime it, paint it, and clear coat it. Finally we can all fit the parts to your car.

Out parts will only be as good as we can make them. So, I'd imagine it would be a bit frustrating in the beginning. But, If we all help each other, we can all learn to do this kinda stuff and get better at it.

comments welcomed

Victor in Seattle, WA