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I've never seen the replacement T-stat housing sold without the thermostat included. Maybe someone does sell it alone, but I've only ever seen it for sale as a package deal. So, it would make absolutely no sense that the first guy installed a new metal T-stat housing, but a used thermostat (even for a rip-off artist).
What part did the second shop give you - just the thermostat, just the T-stat housing, or both of them? The aluminum on a one-month old T-stat housing should still be in good condition - similar to how it came from the box. So it should be easy to determine if that part is one month old, or much older than that. But, if they handed you just the thermostat, and said it had been a used part, I don't even know how anyone could figure that out.
In any case, it's the pits that you or anyone else has to wade through this garbage. I hope your Aveo is now fixed once and for all, and wish you the best of luck with it going forward. And I'll be glad I can continue making my own repairs, and not have to deal with any mess like this.