I've been talking back and forth with the guys at Kent cams for some Aveo/Lanos cams that are streetable (no tappet change, not lumpy).

They have been slow to respond, but this is prime season for race build-up so I'd imagine they are quite busy.

Anyway, the general idea is that a custom grind for the Woo would be too expensive, but they don't know if the X16XE cams will be too aggressive for the valvetrain. There is some fear that the Daewoo tappets might not take the concussion from the cam and we might get some nasty float.

Sooooo... They are sending me an X16XE cam to try in my Lanos to see the effects. I have an engine that I'm not using and the research will benefit everyone. I actually have three different cam profiles coming from the mild to pretty gnarly staying on the stock tappets. We'll see what comes of it.

Cams should be here somtime towards the end of February...