Take care when unlocking your doors.

Twice now, when unlocking in a hurry and yanking on the handle I've messed up the Aveo locks.

Once on the drivers door, I made it so the door wouldnt unlock or open, but I was able to get it working right again after messing with the handles a bit.

Then yesterday I did the same thing with the hatch, only I heard a pop and the handle went loose.

So I opened the hatch from inside and removed the rear panel.
Luckily, it was just that a rod had popped out of its attachment to the handle - nothing broken.

The little green clip was tricky but once I figured that out it all snapped together and worked fine again.

I did notice that there are wires attached to the latch as if you only need a button to get an electric hatch release.

Oh and to take the rear panel off, press the little center in, on the 4 mounting tabs, and remove 2 screws next to the recessed area. Pretty easy.